
Monday, January 30, 2012

The Tub

You don't have to be a genius to look at the Stuck Outside of Phoenix the Movie Kickstarter campaign and realize that things are getting a little itchy.

With about $2,200 gathered to date (big thanks for all your donations), we still need $12,500-ish in the next week or we get nothing.

It's clearly time to break out The Tub.

"What's The Tub?" you ask?

Well, The Tub is where, in 1998, when Kel and I were packing up our lives in Phoenix and moving to San Francisco, I stored all of my Refreshments collectibles. The Tub is about four feet long, blue, and it probably holds the best collection of Refreshments memorabilia the world knows.

It's Mecca for Refreshments collectors.

As you might imagine, I don't spend a lot of time digging through The Tub. It's sat in storage for most of its life, where no one bothers it. Still, there was one time in recent memory when I dug deep into The Tub. It was in 2003, and I was in the process of publishing my first novel, Stuck Outside of Phoenix. Kel and I had just moved to Ashland, Oregon, and I was having trouble scraping together enough money to publish and promote my novel. So, I got into The Tub, found twenty-eight items I felt I could part with, and sold them on Ebay. This gave me the necessary funds to bring Stuck the book to life. The Tub saved the day.

So, here we are in 2012, and once again I'm trying to help bring Stuck to life, albeit in a completely different way, and the funds are not yet there to make it happen. Sounds like a job for The Tub.

At this link, you will find eleven Ebay events, all for Refreshments-related items, up for auction or straight sale. This is some very unique stuff, including Wheelie promotional posters from 1994, the gig poster from the SXSW show when the Refreshments secured their record deal with Mercury Records, a handmade Refreshments belt buckle from a set of four given to each band member in 1996, and lots lots more. I bet even the largest Refreshments collectors will find something they didn't know existed.

And here's the great news. Every penny I make (minus fees and shipping) from the sale of these items will go to the Kickstarter campaign for Stuck Outside of Phoenix the Movie! Yes, you can buy at will and know that your money is going to help put this thing over the top.

So, if you're into Refreshments memorabilia--and I know some of you are--bid like the wind, and let's make it happen!

Thanks for all you do.



Unknown said...

You know I'm a fan. I will see what money I can juggle.

What are your options if you're you're not able to raise the funds?

Art Edwards said...

Thanks for your support, David. Financial and otherwise.

Good question. No doubt we'll explore how to make the film happen should we not raise the funds. I suspect the Ebay monies will go to that cause, but that's a conversation for a week from now. Right now, we're focused on Kickstarter.


Kerry said...

I'm in for the Wheelie poster. I will head out right now and buy. What a great thing to have.

I have a random, weird fan question. Do you think there is any chance of reprints of the back FFBB art photos being out there anywhere? I would pay dearly for a print of the Kovak's Corner art.

Looking forward to the movie!


Art Edwards said...

Wow, good question, Kerry. There were 11x17 posters out there at the time, but unfortunately *I* don't have even one of those anymore. Where did they all go?

I'll keep an ear to the ground for one.