So, here's the insert of Wheelie.

Click on them for a larger view.
I should try to explain some of it. The front cover, the airplane, I talked about at length last week. The back cover lists the songs as property of Frosty Acres Music. I'd completely forgotten that we'd ever published our songs under anything but Chuckling Grunion Music. I don't remember the circumstances around either name, but I can assure you that these names got a laugh at one point of another, which was all the validation we needed back then.
You'll notice from the song list that the only song on Wheelie and not Fizzy is "Psychosis," an old Mortals song that was a staple of our live set in Wheelie days. ("Interstate" was rewritten post-Wheelie and made the cut for Fizzy. "Blue Collar Suicide" is another old Mortals song that literally came together in the studio while we recorded Fizzy, so it wasn't ready for Wheelie, either.)
This might be old news, but just in case you've never heard the story, "B.O.B.A." is an acronym for "Buffett on Bad Acid." We came to our senses and called the song "Mexico" when we recorded it for Fizzy.
The inside lists many names, and I'll try to hit on the ones that aren't obvious.
First of all, we felt the need to list our full names, middle names and all, so if you were ever curious, here they are.
You'll also notice Dusty sang all the backing vocals back in the day.
Dorothy Denham, Dusty's mom, was gracious enough to let a very loud band play in her basement for the first two years of its existence; hence, she earned the first thank you.
"Steve for the wagon" refers to Dusty's friend Steve, who loaned us his station wagon when Brian's van dropped a spider gear or something and we were out of a vehicle.
Matt Engstrom owned Gibson's, and I think Barett Rinzler was involved with it, too.
Tammy Fletcher I'm pretty sure worked at Yucca, but I'm not positive on that one.
Jeremy was the guy who designed the bomb flag and the drunken hot dog.
Jim and Jody at CHUD helped us design the CD package.
I think that's it. If you have questions, run them by me in the comments section.
Next week, Wheelie sales figures, as remembered by yours truly.
And the answer to the trivia question from last week:
Lo, Our Much Praised Yet Not Altogether Satisfactory Lady-Art (The title is a paraphrase of a line from an Ezra Pound poem.)
Fizzy, Fuzzy, Big and Buzzy-Brian (Yes, he woke up muttering it one morning.)
Bottle-Rog (A phrase roughly meaning, let's do it again, as in, "Bartender, give us a bottle and fresh horses, we're going out again," which we were at the time.)
Congrats to John and chole, who both nailed it in the comments section last week.
i rember seeing a color version of the picturte kathleen used to have
it was wonderfull
nice to onow the whoile story behind it
she had metoned it was used for it's chessyness but thats about it
I couldn't have been much further off on guessing who named each album, but it was cool to hear the stories behind the names.
I don't know if it's just my computer, but the image file that shows the inside of the Wheelie insert (with the liner notes, etc.) doesn't load. It just shows up as an empty frame and goes to a white page that says wheeliein013.jpg when I click on it.
No idea why that happened, Kevin. It should be fixed now. Let me know if it's not on your computer.
It's there, Art, thanks! Wow, that band picture is pure cheese. Love it!
Sadly, I have never satisfactorily gotten the full story on B.O.B.A. Please indulge a bit more. You spelled it "Buffett". Do you really mean Buffett as in Jimmy Buffett? Or do you mean "Buffet" as in smorgasbord?
I'd like to think it was a skewed reference to Margaritaville. Set me straight. (Or maybe you shouldn't.)
Yes, it's a reference to Jimmy Buffett.
But I do like, "*Buffet* on Bad Acid." Sounds like an interesting way to spend the holidays.
Happy Holloween!
1) Thanks for spelling Buffett correctly.
2) Thanks for setting me straight.
C) You and the Refreshments just rose even higher in my book (nearly impossible but true).
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